.~.~ Including plural sensors or sensor responsive to plural conditions
Classification: 144/425
Including plural sensors or sensor responsive to plural conditions:
(under subclass 420) Subject matter including using (a) multiple detecting means to discern a corresponding number of characteristics or (b) a single detecting means to discern multiple characteristics.
(1) Note. The detecting means fitting part (a) of this definition differ from those of subclass 8.1 in that those of this subclass are not necessarily related, nor is a comparison made between the impulses generated thereby. The detecting means fitting part (b) of this definition may, for example, detect the leading and the trailing edges of a workplace, or detect the presence and the temperature of a workplace.
384+, for woodworking including multiple detecting but with comparison of the impulses received.
403+, 423, 425, for woodworking including multiple sensing without comparison of impulses from the sensors.