(under the class definition) Apparatus claiming some character of automatic control.
(1) Note. By automatic control is meant the provision of means to sense a condition (for example, means to sense a temperature, pressure, rate of motion, viscosity, specific gravity, etc.) which automatic sensing means operates or controls some device that in turn performs some character of control function.
(2) Note. The above definition is intended to exclude valves, closures, and nozzles directly operated by fluid pressure (e.g., check valves, safety valves).
43, for finders and orienters for passages and apertures in work.
44+, for controls operated by the work or by a separate work holder. SEE OR SEARCH CLASS
34, Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids,
524+, for automatic controls of such apparatus.
118, Coating Apparatus,
663+, for coating apparatus having automatic controls.