.~ Self-contained in projectile or projectile-carrying cartridge
Classification: 124/57
(under subclass 56) Apparatus wherein a missile is caused to move by discharge of fluid from a pressurized chamber, in which apparatus, either a) the missile holds the chamber therein for discharge of pressurized fluid therefrom as the missile is propelled, or b) the missile is held by the chamber and forms a seal to hold the pressurized fluid in the chamber until the moment of discharge, and at discharge the missile is impelled by the pressurized fluid from the chamber.
(1) Note. See (1) Note of subclass 56 for discussion of "propel" and "impel".
(2) Note. The chamber of (a) above is not necessarily separable from the missile, but can comprise a volume integral with and contained within the missile, which volume is charged with compressed gas just before the moment that the missile is launched, after which the discharge of gas from the missile propels the missile.