(under subclass 14.27) Milkers having a cyclicly vacuumized chamber, including a milk port, a pressure port and a valved discharge port; the milk is drawn into the chamber on the vacuum cycle and discharged therefrom through the discharge port during the pressure cycle.
(1) Note. The milk conveying pressure fluid is cyclicly interrupted in contradistinction to the subject matter of subclass 14.05 above.
(2) Note. For a statement of the line between the subject matter of this subclass and Classes 60, 103 and 230, see the Search Class notes to these classes in section I of the main class (119) definitions.
14.05, for milker releasers maintaining the milk conveying fluid pressure without interruption. See (1) Note.
14.42, for trap type pumps into which the milk is drawn and from which it is discharged.
SEE OR SEARCH CLASS 417, Pumps, appropriate subclasses, and particularly
118+, for liquid pumping by the supplying and exhausting of a gaseous motivating fluid.