(under subclass 36) Miscellaneous armor-clad vessels in which turret features are not claimed and which involve novelty in protected hulls or decks, etc., either through belts or sheathing of armor-plate which may be placed to form deflecting-surfaces or by means of temporary shields and screens (other than the shields of gun mounts in Class 89, Ordnance, ... ).
109, Safes, Bank Protection, or a Related Device, particularly
49.5, for nonvehicular screens or shields for persons; subclass 58.5 for gun ports and subclass 78 and indented subclasses for penetration resistive rigid wall structures not involving a combination with a gun or gun mount.
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, appropriate subclasses for a stock material product in the form of a single or plural layer web or sheet, and especially
457+, for a composite product including a layer of metal, and subclasses 615+ for a metallic composite defined in terms of the composition of its components.