(under the class definition) Apparatus acting within a storage chamber building to compact fodder material confined by the floor and walls of the building.
(1) Note. The devices in this and the subclasses indented hereunder are usually employed while the silo is being filled and thus act to compact successively added increments of material against the mass already compacted within the silo. As the silo thus fills, the compacter acts always on the top of the material as it rises within the silo. This requires that the compacter be so connected to its actuator means that the operation is continuous despite the changing level.
(2) Note. The storage chamber is usually round in cross section. This permits the use of a compacter moving circularly about an axis normal to such cross section and having a uniform radius of action. Furthermore, the round wall presents a continuous surface which may be used to guide such a circularly moving compacter.
83, for presses which circularly deposit a sheet, web, or strand through an eccentrically positioned hole upon a receiver, and there is a pressure roll at or along the hole.
100, for presses with ground traversing wheels or guides.
221+, for reciprocating platen presses in which a single support is indexed to bring various portions of a material successively under a reciprocating platen or tamper.